Welcome to photo! Please make a name plate with the paper and markers provided so I can get to know you!
Whiteboard/What do you see?
Take a look at this image. What do you notice? What images are familiar to you? Which photographs do you think are interesting? Write down any and all observations on your white board and get ready to share.
What does iconic mean?
Use your whiteboard and write down what you think iconic means.
Fold your paper into 8 squares. In one square, write down why you think photography is important. It can be anything! Then walk around the room and ask others what they wrote down. Trade answers until you fill up your page.
Introduction to Your Camera/Practice Shooting
It's time to get to know your camera! Make sure to put the strap around your neck and follow along as we review your DSLR camera's basic parts and functions that you'll be using today.
Gimkit Review Game For Parts Of The Camera
How To Write And Address A Letter
Write your rough draft on to the worksheet provided.
Addressing Your Envelope
Test your knowledge!
Holiday Stations
Visit each station and take multiple photographs. The photographs will be inserted into your holiday card. Once you're done, Martin will upload your photos.
Final Draft Letter Writing/Addressing Your Envelope
Origami Creations
Choose one of the videos below, or do a Google Search for "easy origami" in Youtube. Create your origami creation.
Dog- https://youtu.be/ZA5qRm8nfgU?feature=shared
Bird- https://youtu.be/QJbq72yA29M
Fox- https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BPSh5r2xF_U&pp=ygUTRWFzeSBvcmlnYW1pIGFuaW1hbA%3D%3D
Elephant-Â https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=d6hG7ha3bD4&pp=ygUTRWFzeSBvcmlnYW1pIGFuaW1hbA%3D%3D
Dinosaur-Â https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lKOVYw9R7oI&pp=ygUTRWFzeSBvcmlnYW1pIGFuaW1hbA%3D%3D
Dolphin-Â https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1JZLb288UiM&list=PLOJa_aU9k6OLq7wwJYvsIDQUGOQ8e0sy3
Snake-Â https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MLBdKNLKN54&pp=ygUTRWFzeSBvcmlnYW1pIGFuaW1hbA%3D%3D
Another Swan- https://youtu.be/QEnYAzVIMoU
Rose-Â https://youtu.be/BATWfPjr3MI
Butterfly-Â https://youtu.be/mfI3MIbbkgM
Crane-Â https://youtu.be/GC_Szxdqh2Y
Dragon-Â https://youtu.be/kUsxMXwCW8A
Chameleon-Â https://youtu.be/if7iSuzNn38?feature=shared
Turtle-Â https://youtu.be/DXmwu2_B8ro
Complete the graphic organizer and research facts about the animal your created.
Write a paragraph using the facts on your graphic organizer.