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Sept. 26th- Double Exposure

Writer's picture: Nicole PollardNicole Pollard
  1. Independent Movement Edit

    Download the image in Schoology and complete the steps below:

  • Open up the image of the man jumping in Photoshop

  • Choose select subject from the contextual task bar

  • Invert that selection

  • Go to Filter<Blur<Motion Blur

  • Adjust it to show movement and blur

  • Flatten

  • File<Save A Copy<Movelastname.jpg

    2. Double Exposure Tutorial- What is rasterizing?

    In Photoshop, rasterizing a layer converts it from a vector image to a pixel image


What it does


Converts a vector layer to a pixel layer

Why use it

Necessary to use certain effects or tools that are only available for pixel-based layers

What to expect

Edges are made up of tiny squares called pixels, but you might not notice a difference unless you zoom in

What it loses

Original properties like clean edges and easy scaling

  • File<New6x4

  • File<Place Embed Woman with hands over her eyes. Remove background.

  • File<Place Embed<Woman Face

  • On the woman's face layer, remove the background. Use the subtract from the mask to remove the remaining area around the face.

  • Lower the opacity so the hands show through

  • Add an adjustment layer<black and white

  • Flatten

  • Use the text tool to add the poem or paragraphs

Writing Assignment:

Prompt: Write two different short passages about identity (half page to a full page in length each).

The first reflects how you are perceived or seen by the world based on assumptions about the way you look. This can be in the third-person point of view (Subject is he/she/they). This is an identity projected on you by assumptions about who you are and may include superficial judgements. You can choose to use the second person point of view (You as subject) if you want it to be more imposed on the reader and the speaker.

The second passage can be written in the first person (I as subject). The choice of point of view is more empowered and reflects who you really are based on your actions and how you behave in the world (what you do with your hands/actions). This is more the real you.

If you don't want to write the 2 paragraph essay, you can complete the poem template below. You can find it attached to the assignment in Schoology:

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