Album Recreation Project Planner
Find the album recreation project planner in Schoology and begin brainstorming for your project. Once you have an idea of what you'd like to shoot, you can begin shooting for your project.
2. Introduction to Double Exposure

Open the image of the man
Remove background
Adjustment layer, add any color and drag below the man
File<Place embed surf
Blend mode screen to screen
Hold down the option to create a clipping mask
Add layer mask and choose brush tool, opacity 100%, flow to 15% (make sure black is in the foreground) and brush around his face
Change the solid color to yellow using the eye drop
File place embed bird, blend mode to multiply, add layer mask
Using the brush tool at 100% and flow at 100%, erase some of the birds
File<Save a Copy<Double Exposure jpg. Submit to Schoology