Learning Objectives:
A1.3 Describe the use of the elements of art to express mood in digital or traditional artwork found in the commercial environment.
A1.5 Research and analyze the work of an artist or designer and how the artist’s distinctive style contributes to their industry production.
A2.1 Demonstrate skill in the manipulation of digital imagery (either still or video) in an industry-relevant application.
A2.9 Create a multimedia work of art that demonstrates knowledge of media and technology skills.
Spitball- Southwest High School
Ghosts of NAHS Edit
File<Open<Image of the background
File<Place Embedded<Image of Ghost
Remove Background
Use Subtract Mask to clean up
Adjustment Layer<Black and White
File<Save a Copy<ghostlastname.jpg
Submit to Schoology
Ghosts of NAHS Photoshoot
Work in Groups of three
Use a tripod
Take one establishing shot without anyone in it
Place and shoot your ghost with glasses or hat on
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