Spitball- Colorizations

Alternative Spitball/Dec. 1st
2. Multiplicity Independent Practice
Using the photos in Schoology and recalling what we did together during our last tutorial, create a multiplicity composite with the images in that assignment. Do this on your own!
3. Beg. Photography Vocabulary Quiz/Multiplicity Project Time
Once you're done with the Multiplicity Independent Practice Edit in Schoology, use class time to take the Vocabulary Quiz in Schoology. Take it as many times as you need to to get 100%. Once you're done, edit your own images for the Multiplicity Project which is due on Dec. 9th. If you need to head out on to campus to take photos, you are welcome to do that, too.
4. Fish in an Orange Edit
Download the images in Schoology under the assignment Fish in an Orange Peel edit. Follow along with Mrs. Pollard's tutorial.
