Learning Objectives:
A2.6 Create an artistic product that involves the effective use of the elements of art and the principles of design.
A4.5 Analyze and articulate how society influences the interpretation and effectiveness of an artistic product.
A1.4 Select industry-specific works and analyze the intent of the work and the appropriate use of media.
1. Spitball- Photographs of the Los Angeles Wildfires/2025
Copy THIS Google slide. Choose ONE photograph from the slideshow of images to complete the assignment.

Eye Edit/Using the Lasso Tool
2. Framing With Colored Pencils
Work in groups of three.
Take turns photographing and modeling.
Hold the colored pencil frame around the eye.
Take a sharp, in focus picture of the model's eye.
Return to edit
To edit:
Open in Photoshop
Choose the lasso tool
Select an area in the iris
From the contextual task bar, choose the paint bucket
Choose Fill Color
Press ok
Lower the Opacity
Blend: Overlay
Repeat for each part of the eye you select
3. Framing Project
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